Episode 14: The IT Crowd – STANDARD NERDS!

In this week’s episode, Mike and Drew turn the computer on and off again with The IT Crowd! A show about some nerds and their technologically inept office place.

  • Talk Nerdy to Me: Drew and his wife get hooked on the matche 3/RPG Puzzle Quest 2! He also fell victim to yet ANOTHER Steam deal, this time Civilization 5. Mike recaps a few weeks of nerdiness, which included Tangled, American Pickers, Animal Crossing, Doctor Who and his wife’s addiction to Battlestar Galactica.
  • This week’s challenge: (courtesy of Will) Watch the first season (and first episode of the second season) of The IT Crowd! Due to limited amount of time, this week’s challenge was geared towards Mike.
  • Next week’s challenge: (courtesy of Michael and The Flying Dying Man) Play through NES mega-hit, Mega Man 2, and listen to an album by The Protomen! The Protomen are a rock band that writes their music based on the Mega Man universe.

As always, be sure to like usfollow us, and subscribe so you don’t miss out on all the fun shenanigans and hijinks!


  1. Watched the first couple of episodes of The IT Crowd after listening to this week’s podcast. It ranked up there with many U.S. sitcoms. The person watching it with me was rolling in the floor laughing, and I have promised him, based on your ratings, that it will get even better in the second season. Do they lose the laugh track then? It’s most distracting.

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